Our hope is you'll find your church home with us, and that South is your place to experience Jesus in life-giving community.
We believe all are welcomed to His table of fellowship, and that pursing Jesus brings full life. We want to share that good news to our community, and the world.
We believe all are welcomed to His table of fellowship, and that pursing Jesus brings full life. We want to share that good news to our community, and the world.
Sunday Mornings
9:00 AM - Classes
10:00 AM - Worship Service
10:00 AM - Worship Service
Life Groups - Various days/times
If you're visiting with us, we want you to feel welcomed and loved. We pray our time together draws you closer to God and our family at South.
Each Sunday morning, we offer classes for all ages. Afterwards, our time of worship together consists of men and women leading us through instrumental music and a cappella singing, prayer, a celebration of Communion, and readings/teachings from Scripture.
We care about you - not what you’re wearing. Feel free to wear jeans or whatever is comfortable. Sit wherever you’d like. We will not single you out publicly, ask you to say anything, and we do not expect guests to contribute anything financially.
Each Sunday morning, we offer classes for all ages. Afterwards, our time of worship together consists of men and women leading us through instrumental music and a cappella singing, prayer, a celebration of Communion, and readings/teachings from Scripture.
We care about you - not what you’re wearing. Feel free to wear jeans or whatever is comfortable. Sit wherever you’d like. We will not single you out publicly, ask you to say anything, and we do not expect guests to contribute anything financially.
We're blessed to be beautiful blend of ages, ethnicities, cultures, and experiences. We have the privilege of learning from one another. We look forward to the opportunity to get to know and learn from you as well! So feel free to say, “This is my first time.” We look forward to meeting you!